Fusion Superplex reached out to Spillt in early 2018 to create an immersive brand-centric theater pre-show for their new flagship facility in Nassau, Bahamas. Here is the tricky part, the pre-show needed to showcase 17 different brand logos, evoke feelings of high-end dining and cutting edge cinema tech, be engaging for multiple viewings, abstract so that it could feel like a high-end art piece while still being concrete enough to grasp and understand the individual missions of each brand being shown. This also had to all happen in 1 minute (-ish). There were definitely some big design problems to solve but that’s what makes projects like this fun and all that much more rewarding. Below are design directions for how the brands would be shown in their individual environments, and also how the different sections would work together. Creating specific zones/treatments for chunks of brands helped us create a piece that didn’t totally confuse the viewer, but guided them through a cinematic journey of all that Fusion Superplex has to offer.
Creative Direction: Ed Rhine
Art Direction + Animation: Harrison Vincent, Ryan Mast
Sound Design: Coupe Studios